Wait a minute...
Wow, that actually made sense...
Pretty good little animation too. Man chickens are cool.
Wait a minute...
Wow, that actually made sense...
Pretty good little animation too. Man chickens are cool.
I agree
I love you
This has always been one of my favorites and always will be. I love your animations. Nice song too.
I liked it, it was a very beautiful flash. I could tell you poured your emotions into it. Great job!
Thank you very much. It's just a shame it was my first one and kind of a rush job!
Just wow.
That was beautiful. Animation was fantastic. Keep it up.
Don't get it
I didn't really understand it. The audio was really difficult to understand, and because of that so was the plot.
Lipsynching was good though, and graphics werent bad.
Very funny. "Did anybody ban any weapons?"
Age 34, Male
Sydney, Australia
Joined on 1/25/06